Rainbows gemspec lists Unicorn with a broad dependency
Damian Janowski
2014-01-16 19:13:22 UTC

Rainbows lists the Unicorn dependency passing an array [1]. I saw that
this is used in the RubyGems documentation, but apparently it's
broken–probably on RubyGems' side.

I did a fresh install of Rainbows 4.3.1 and it installed Unicorn
4.8.0. This combo makes Rainbows not boot due to an exception (someone
trying to call TrueClass#dup).

Maybe the ability to combine both optimistic and strict version
requirements is not worth it?


[1] http://bogomips.org/rainbows.git/tree/rainbows.gemspec#n32
Rainbows! mailing list - rainbows-talk-***@public.gmane.org
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Eric Wong
2014-01-16 19:46:34 UTC
Post by Damian Janowski
Rainbows lists the Unicorn dependency passing an array [1]. I saw that
this is used in the RubyGems documentation, but apparently it's
broken–probably on RubyGems' side.
I did a fresh install of Rainbows 4.3.1 and it installed Unicorn
4.8.0. This combo makes Rainbows not boot due to an exception (someone
trying to call TrueClass#dup).
Can you show us a backtrace and any parts of your config which
may be relevant? I can't seem to reproduce it with either
rainbows 4.3.1 nor 4.5.0.

Nothing in unicorn 4.8 should've broken Rainbows! compatibility.
Post by Damian Janowski
Maybe the ability to combine both optimistic and strict version
requirements is not worth it?
[1] http://bogomips.org/rainbows.git/tree/rainbows.gemspec#n32
Rainbows! mailing list - rainbows-***@rubyforge.org
Do not qu
Eric Wong
2014-01-16 20:00:53 UTC
Post by Eric Wong
Nothing in unicorn 4.8 should've broken Rainbows! compatibility.
Actually, sorry, things did break with the signalling changes.
Sorry about that, I completely overlooked that :x
Rainbows! mailing list - rainbows-talk-***@public.gmane.org
Do not quote signatures (like this one) or top post when replying
Damian Janowski
2014-01-16 21:02:39 UTC
Post by Eric Wong
Post by Eric Wong
Nothing in unicorn 4.8 should've broken Rainbows! compatibility.
Actually, sorry, things did break with the signalling changes.
Sorry about that, I completely overlooked that :x
No problem, thank you for your beautiful software :)

Let me know if you need anything from me.
Rainbows! mailing list - rainbows-talk-***@public.gmane.org
Do not quote signatures (like this one) or top post when replying