Damian Janowski
2014-01-16 19:13:22 UTC
Rainbows lists the Unicorn dependency passing an array [1]. I saw that
this is used in the RubyGems documentation, but apparently it's
broken–probably on RubyGems' side.
I did a fresh install of Rainbows 4.3.1 and it installed Unicorn
4.8.0. This combo makes Rainbows not boot due to an exception (someone
trying to call TrueClass#dup).
Maybe the ability to combine both optimistic and strict version
requirements is not worth it?
[1] http://bogomips.org/rainbows.git/tree/rainbows.gemspec#n32
Rainbows! mailing list - rainbows-talk-***@public.gmane.org
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Rainbows lists the Unicorn dependency passing an array [1]. I saw that
this is used in the RubyGems documentation, but apparently it's
broken–probably on RubyGems' side.
I did a fresh install of Rainbows 4.3.1 and it installed Unicorn
4.8.0. This combo makes Rainbows not boot due to an exception (someone
trying to call TrueClass#dup).
Maybe the ability to combine both optimistic and strict version
requirements is not worth it?
[1] http://bogomips.org/rainbows.git/tree/rainbows.gemspec#n32
Rainbows! mailing list - rainbows-talk-***@public.gmane.org
Do not quote signatures (like this one) or top post when replying